The Beechcraft SNB-1 “Kansan” is a Navy version of the venerable Army AT-11 “Kanasan”. During World War II, the Kansan was used extensively as a bombardier/navigator trainer and gunnery trainer. While more than 1500 AT-11’s were built for the Army, only 110 SNB-1’s were built for the Navy. This aircraft is one of the few SNB-1 survivors and the only active one flying today. The aircraft will be on display at least through AirExpo.
A history of Beechcraft Construction Number 3815 – Navy designation SNB-1 – Bureau Number 51025 as compiled by Bob Parmerter
- United States Navy accepted 17 Aug 1943.
- To Naval Air Station Denver 1947.
- To Naval Air Ordinance Training Station, Chincoteague Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Virginia 1950.
- To Bureau of Aeronautics Maintenance & Supply, Pensacola 1951.
- To Detroit Bureau of Aeronautics Representative, Naval Reserve Air Base, Detroit 1951-1953.
- Struck 24 July 1957 with 3807 hrs Total Time and stored at NAF Litchfield Park, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Sold by the United States Navy Contracting Officer Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego to Thurman E. Yates, Gila, New Mexico for $5,625. Invoice dated 12 October 1957 but Bill of Sale dated 18 May 1958 (FAA forms have erroneous c/n 3906).
- Certificate of Airworthiness & registered as SNB-1 N7275C on12 Feb 1958.
- Exterior cabin door enlarged & jump step for smoke jumpers installed using US Forest Service drawings 10 February 1959.
- Hartzell 3 bladed props installed 3 February 1962.
- To Jimmie M. Grimes, Silver City, New Mexico Bill of Sale 19 August 1963 for $5,400 included spare engine & parts. [Carried El Paso Skydivers to 15,500 ft for drop at dedication of Silver City, New Mexico Airport 25 Oct 1964].
- To Robert Iozia, El Paso, Texas/Miami Shores, Florida Bill of Sale 7 November 1968.
- To James F. Peterson, El Paso, Texas Bill of Sale 23 May 1969.
- To Custom Welding & Fabricating Inc, Mooringsport, Louisana Bill of Sale 2 February 1980.
- US registration cancelled 6 March 1981 as exported to Canada.
- To Jerry C. James, Vancouver, British Columbia Bill of Sale 4 March 1981 as C-GICC. It had Navy, Caddo Lake, Swamp Chicken markings.
- To Courtesy Aircraft, Rockford, Illinois Bill of Sale 6 January 1984.
- Cancelled Candian Registration 23 January 1984.
- To Wm Russell, Raybourne Thompson, & Douglas L. Scott, Houston, Texas Bill of Sale 18 January 1984.
- Registered 30 January 1984 as N145SC & Certificate of Airworthiness 14 February 1984.
- Douglas L. Scott to Russell & Thompson Bill of Sale August 1984.
- Seen March 1985 in “San Diego NAS 25” markings.
- By October 1986 in Chinese Air Force markings.
- By 1988 modified with working bomb bay doors, porthole cabin windows, smoke system, gun turret with propane sound effects & turret fairings.
- US Navy “C-55” markings seen by October 1995.
- For sale by Stetson Aircraft, Kenedy, Texas in 2006.
- Registered to owner in Indianapolis, Indiana on 19 September 2006.